Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Good Day

I'm having a good day after a good session with our counselor this morning. So I'm staying out of my own way this afternoon and refraining from over-thinking anything.

I'm also trying to figure out how I screwed up the template to the blog and how to get it back.


  1. I just stumbled on your blog from your comment on Dooce. Gotta say... it was REALLY nice to read EMOTION coming from a man's fingertips. To see a man feel (esp over the internet) and read that they too have fears, sadness, etc. was quite captivating. Sorry to see you're in this place, but I did want to thank you for sharing. I find myself wishing my German straight-laced husband was not such a german straight-laced husband. But that's who he is. So here we are.

  2. Tracie - thanks for the kind words - much appreciated. And to be totally honest - it's not like I was an open book prior to this - if I had been more able to show my emotions, we probably wouldn't be in the situation we're in.

  3. Thank you for sharing your story - I'm sorry for the reason you turned to blogging, but glad you became a blogger.
