Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Happened?

It's been a little over seven months since I've posted here.


A lot of reasons.

No, she never found out about the blog. As far as I know, she is still unaware that it exists.

We started seeing a marriage counselor and the counselor convinced me that I needed to live in the present and drop a lot of the past in order to move forward. And part of that for me was not dwelling on certain things, which I think I was doing here. It was an outlet, but part of the idea was to share what happened and because I wanted to follow the counselor's advice, I dropped the blog cold turkey to focus on our marriage.

Did it work?

Yes and no.

Things got better. A lot better. And then they exploded. Again.

It's almost like being back to January again.

When is enough enough? I mean, I think I know the answer to that question. I just haven't been able to say it out loud.

Anyway, I'm back. More tomorrow. If anyone is still out there.